Amazon Selling Partner
  • 06 Sep 2024
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Amazon Selling Partner

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Article summary

Amazon Selling Partner Overview

API Documentation Link

Before You Start

In order to begin the Authorization and Authentication process, which will ultimately result in API access, we must first register as a Selling Partner API developer, as well as register a Selling Partner API application.
For a walkthrough on registering as a Selling Partner API developer, please see this documentation or this Youtube video.

For a walkthrough on registering a Selling Partner API application, please see this documentation. Upon registering your application, you will receive a Client ID and Client Secret that will be required for your final Flex Connector configuration, so make sure to save these values.

Once your application is registered, you will need to Authorize the application, which can be done by following this documentation. Once authorized, you will receive a Login with Amazon (LWA) refresh token that will be required for your final Flex Connector configuration, so make sure to save this value.

API Resources

For a full list of API Resources available for Amazon Selling Partner, please refer to the list of Selling Partner APIs found here. By selecting the desired API from the API Reference column, you will be taken to an overview page for the API, where the specific API calls that are available can be found on the righthand side of the page, under Paths. Below is a list of available resources that Panoply has documentation available for. If there is a resource you'd like to ingest that doesn't appear in the below list, please reach out to our support team and we'd be happy to assist with getting those configured together.

Amazon Selling Partner - Orders

Amazon Selling Partner - Reports

Amazon Selling Partner - Shipments

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