August 2024 Release Notes
  • 30 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • PDF

August 2024 Release Notes

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  • PDF

Article summary

Reports Configurations

Users can configure table and single value reports with the following options:

  • Table chart:
    • Color Palette - Select one of five available palettes
    • Show borders - Select if the table chart will have borders or not
  • Single Value chart:
    • Threshold -Enter a numeric threshold
    • Positive threshold - Select to color the value in green if greater than the threshold defined above
    • Negative threshold - Select to color the value in red if smaller than the threshold defined above

Google Sheets (v 2.5.2)

Users can enter the requested sheet identifier they wish to ingest into Panoply instead of selecting the sheet from the list of files. In order to achieve that, select the Enter Sheet identifier and enter the identifier.

Netsuite (v 2.7.6)

The Netsuite and Netsuite TBA connectors now support the transactionShippingAddress resource.

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