Facebook Posts Data Dictionary
  • 27 Jul 2021
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Facebook Posts Data Dictionary

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Article summary

These are the resources available for the Facebook Posts data source, along with their table mappings. Depending on the resource, Panoply makes use of one or more tables for importing data. Here they are, grouped by resource:


This table contains posts and their share data.

Shares Data Dictionary


This table contains posts and the reaction of various users to it.

Reactions Data Dictionary


This table contains post comments and their comment replies.

Comments Data Dictionary

Comments Reactions

This table contains the reactions of various users to either post comments or comment replies.

Comments Reactions Data Dictionary


This table contains the insights of your Facebook Page's posts, specifically, video posts. It contains fields that represent the video-related metrics of your video post, like how many times the video was played, the number of people who viewed it, etc. These fields are prefixed with the word posts in them.

Insights Data Dictionary

Insights Lifetime

This table contains the insights of your Facebook Page's posts, specifically preferring those metrics that can be aggregated for a lifetime.

Take note that other metrics of a post are aggregated differently, either for days, weeks, or months. Again, this table stores only the ones that can be aggregated for a lifetime.

Insights Lifetime Data Dictionary

Flattened Fields

There are also numerous fields that are flattened by Panoply. Flattened fields are easy to recognize. They're those fields with similar names but are differentiated by a suffix, which can either be a text or number value. The suffix is based on the propertis of the source nested objects.

For example, the post_video_retention_graph_0 and post_video_retention_graph_1 fields are flattened fields based from the post_video_retention_graph object. The numbers 0, 1, and so on, are the suffixes that represent each property of the object.

Likewise, the fields post_video_view_time_by_country_id_israel and post_video_view_time_by_country_id_canada (and a list of other countries) were flattened from the post_video_view_time_by_country_id object. The respective country names also represent each property of the object.

These are the objects (metrics) from the Page Insights resource that are flattened:

  • post_activity_by_action_type
  • post_activity_by_action_type_unique
  • post_clicks_by_type
  • post_clicks_by_type_unique
  • post_impressions_by_story_type
  • post_negative_feedback_by_type
  • post_negative_feedback_by_type_unique
  • post_reactions_by_type_total
  • post_video_retention_graph
  • post_video_retention_graph_autoplayed
  • post_video_retention_graph_clicked_to_play
  • post_video_view_time_by_age_bucket_and_gender
  • post_video_view_time_by_country_id
  • post_video_view_time_by_distribution_type
  • post_video_view_time_by_region_id
  • post_video_views_by_distribution_type

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