Stripe Data Dictionary
  • 28 Apr 2023
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Stripe Data Dictionary

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Article summary

The Stripe API creates a data object in response to each request, which Panoply unpacks and organizes into tables. References to "object" in the table schema listed below are referring to the data object created by Stripe. The Stripe data elements ingested by Panoply are listed below. Additional information is available in the Stripe API reference documentation.

Stripe's data resources are organized into core resources, payment methods, checkout, billing, connect, fraud, issuing, terminal and orders categories. Panoply collects the following data from Stripe:

Core resources

Balance Transactions

This table contains data relating to your Stripe balance, as well as historical information about your balance. Stripe balance API endpoint documentation

Stripe Balance Transactions Data Dictionary


This table contains data relating to the credit and debit charges in your account. Stripe charges API endpoint documentation

Stripe Charges Data Dictionary


This table contains data relating to specific customers. Stripe customers API endpoint documentation

Stripe Customers Data Dictionary


This table contains data relating to disputes on your account. Stripe disputes API endpoint documentation.

Stripe Disputes Data Dictionary


This table contains all data relating to events on your account. If a charge succeeds, or a payment fails, it will be reflected in an event object, which will in turn be written into this table.Stripe events API endpoint documentation.

Stripe Events Data Dictionary


This table contains information regarding files hosted on Stripe's servers. Stripe files API endpoint documentation

Stripe Files Data Dictionary

File Links

This table contains information about File Links, which contain a URL that can be used to retrieve the contents of the file without authentication. Stripe file links API endpoint documentation

Stripe File Links Data Dictionary


This table contains information about mandates, which are records the permission a customer has given you to debit their payment method. Stripe mandates API endpoint documentation

Stripe Mandates Data Dictionary

Payment Intents

This table contains information about the PaymentIntent object. Stripe payment intents API endpoint documentation

Stripe Payment Intents Data Dictionary

Setup Intents

This table contains information about the SetupIntent object. Stripe setup intents API endpoint documentation

Stripe Setup Intents Data Dictionary

Setup Attempts

This table contains information about the SetupAttempt object, which describes one attempted confirmation of a SetupIntent, whether that confirmation was successful or unsuccessful. Stripe setup attempts API endpoint documentation

Stripe Setup Attempts Data Dictionary


This table contains data relating to payments into your account from Stripe. For more information, see the Stripe payouts API endpoint documentation.

Stripe Payouts Data Dictionary


This table contains information about specific goods or services you offer to your customers. Stripe products API endpoint documentation

Stripe Products Data Dictionary


This table contains information about the prices, defined by the unit cost, currency, and (optional) billing cycle for both recurring and one-time purchases of products. Stripe prices API endpoint documentation

Stripe Prices Data Dictionary


This table contains data relating to refunds generated on your account.For more information, see the Stripe refunds API endpoint documentation

Stripe Refunds Data Dictionary


This table contains information on the tokenization, which is the process Stripe uses to collect sensitive card or bank account details, or personally identifiable information (PII), directly from your customers in a secure manner. A token representing this information is returned to your server to use. Stripe tokens API endpoint documentation

Stripe Tokens Data Dictionary

Payment Methods

Payment Methods

This table contains information about PaymentMethod objects, which represent your customer's payment instruments. Stripe payment methods API endpoint documentation

Stripe Payment Methods Data Dictionary

Bank Accounts

This table contains information about the bank accounts used as payment methods on Customer objects. Stripe bank accounts API endpoint documentation

Stripe Bank Accounts Data Dictionary


This table contains information about customer cards in order to charge the customer later. Stripe cards API endpoint documentation

Stripe Cards Data Dictionary


This table contains information about source objects, which allow users to accept a variety of payment methods. They represent a customer's payment instrument, and can be used with the Stripe API just like a Card object: once chargeable, they can be charged, or can be attached to customers. Stripe sources API endpoint documentation

Stripe Sources Data Dictionary



This table contains data about the Checkout Session which represents your customer's session as they pay for one-time purchases or subscriptions through Checkout. Stripe sources API endpoint documentation

Stripe Checkout Sessions Data Dictionary



This table contains information about coupons that can be used by customers. Stripe coupons API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Coupons Data Dictionary

Credit Notes

This table contains information about credit notes issued to adjust an invoice's amount after the invoice is finalized. Stripe credit notes API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Credit Notes Data Dictionary

Customer Balance Transactions

This table contains information about each customer's balance value, which denotes a debit or credit that's automatically applied to their next invoice upon finalization. Stripe customer balance transactions API endpoint documentation

Stripe Customer Balance Transactions Data Dictionary

Customer Portal

This table contains information regarding portal sessions, which describe the instantiation of the customer portal for a particular customer. Stripe customer portal API endpoint documentation

Stripe Customer Portal Data Dictionary

Customer Tax IDs

This table contains the customer's tax IDs that are displayed on invoices and credit notes issued for the customer. Stripe customer tax IDs API endpoint documentation

Stripe Customer Tax IDs Data Dictionary


This table contains information about when the discount began and when it will end. Stripe discounts API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Discounts Data Dictionary


This table contains data relating to invoices on your account. For more information, see the Stripe invoices API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Invoices Data Dictionary

Invoice Items

This table contains data relating to charges added to existing customer orders. For more information, see the Stripe invoive items API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Invoice Items Data Dictionary


This table contains data relating to the subscription plans you have attached to your account. For more information, see the Stripe plans API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Plans Data Dictionary

Promotion Codes

This table contains information on customer-redeemable codes for a coupon. Stripe promotion codes API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Promotion Codes Data Dictionary


This table contains data relating to the subscriptions attached to your account. For more information, see the Stripe subscriptions API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Subscriptions Data Dictionary

Subscription Items

This table contains information about subscription items for customer subscriptions with more than one plan, making it easy to represent complex billing relationships. Stripe subscription items API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Subscription Items Data Dictionary

Subscription Schedules

This table contains information about subscription schedules, which allow users to create and manage the lifecycle of a subscription by predefining expected changes. Stripe subscription schedules API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Subscription Schedules Data Dictionary

Tax Rates

This table contains information about tax rates that can be applied to invoices, subscriptions and Checkout Sessions to collect tax. Stripe tax rates API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Tax Rates Data Dictionary

Usage Records

This table contains information about usage records which allow users to report customer usage and metrics to Stripe for metered billing of subscription prices. Stripe usage records API endpoint documentation

Stripe Billing Usage Records Data Dictionary



This table contains data relating to the customer accounts attached to your Stripe account.For more information, see the Stripe accounts API endpoint documentation

Stripe Connect Accounts Data Dictionary

Account Links

This table contains information about account links which are the means by which a Connect platform grants a connected account permission to access Stripe-hosted applications, such as Connect Onboarding. Stripe account links API endpoint documentation

Stripe Connect Account Links Data Dictionary

Application fees

This table contains data relating to transaction fees that are additional to teh charges made to your customers. For more information, see the Stripe application fees API endpoint documentation

Stripe Connect Application Fees Data Dictionary


This table contains data relating to a capability for a Stripe account. Stripe capabilities API endpoint documentation

Stripe Connect Capabilities Data Dictionary

Country Specs

This table contains data relating to the country specs attached to each customer account. For more information, see the Stripe country specs API endpoint documentation

Stripe Connect Country Specs Data Dictionary

External Accounts

This table contains information on External Accounts, which are transfer destinations on Account objects for Custom and Express accounts. They can be bank accounts or debit cards.Stripe external accounts API endpoint documentation

Stripe Connect External Accounts Data Dictionary


This table contains information for the object representing a person associated with a Stripe account. A platform cannot access a Standard or Express account's persons after the account starts onboarding, such as after generating an account link for the account. Stripe person API endpoint documentation

Stripe Connect Person Data Dictionary


This table contains information about individual top-ups, as well as list all top-ups. Top-ups are identified by a unique, random ID. Stripe top ups API endpoint documentation

Stripe Connect Top-Ups Data Dictionary


This table contains information about funds moving between Stripe accounts as part of Connect. Stripe transfers API endpoint documentation

Stripe Connect Transfers Data Dictionary

Transfer Reversals

This table contains information about reverse transfers made to a connected account, either entirely or partially, and can also specify whether to refund any related application fees. Transfer reversals add to the platform's balance and subtract from the destination account's balance. Stripe transfer reversals API endpoint documentation

Stripe Connect Transfer Reversals Data Dictionary


Early Fraud Warnings

This table contains information on early fraud warnings, which indicate that the card issuer has notified us that a charge may be fraudulent. Stripe early fraud warnings API endpoint documentation

Stripe Fraud Early Fraud Warnings Data Dictionary


This table contains information about Reviews which can be used to supplement automated fraud detection with human expertise. Stripe fraud reviews API endpoint documentation

Stripe Fraud Reviews Data Dictionary

Value Lists

This table contains information about value lists, which allows users to group values together which can then be referenced in rules. Stripe fraud value list API endpoint documentation

Stripe Fraud Value Lists Data Dictionary

Value List Items

This table contains information about the value list items, which allows users to add specific values to a given Radar value list, which can then be used in rules. Stripe fraud value list items API endpoint documentation

Stripe Fraud Value List Items Data Dictionary



This table contains information about the Issuing Authorization object which are created when an issued card is used to make a purchase. Stripe issuing authorizations API endpoint documentation

Stripe Issuing Authorizations Data Dictionary


This table contains information about the Issuing Cardholder object which represents an individual or business entity who is issued cards. Stripe issuing cardholders API endpoint documentation

Stripe Issuing Cardholders Data Dictionary


This table contains information about dispute transactions. Stripe issuing disputes API endpoint documentation

Stripe Issuing Disputes Data Dictionary


This table contains information about Issuing Transaction objects. Stripe issuing transactions API endpoint documentation

Stripe Issuing Transactions Data Dictionary



This table contains information about locations. Each location represents a grouping of readers. Stripe terminal locations API endpoint documentation

Stripe Terminal Locations Data Dictionary


This table contains information about readers. Each reader represents a physical device for accepting payment details. Stripe terminal readers API endpoint documentation

Stripe Terminal Readers Data Dictionary

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