Twitter Data Dictionary
  • 23 Jul 2021
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Twitter Data Dictionary

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Article summary

The Twitter data elements ingested by Panoply are listed below. Additional detail is available in the Twitter API documentation.

Nested data - The fundamental unit in Twitter is the tweet object, which is a nested JSON object containing several main attributes (id, created_at, and text) and several child objects (user, entities, extended_entities, and place). Panoply's default behavior is to transform nested data into a set of many-to-many or one-to-many relationship tables. The nested data is thereby turned into a (large) collection of flat tables that can be joined together as needed.

Entities - The entities object in a tweet object will contain all additional metadata and contextual information, as well as content included in tweets other than the tweet itself. Hashtags, user mentions, stock symbols, Twitter polls, and posted images/videos. Tables with the _entities suffix will contain all relevant information, which can be joined to other tables using the id field.

Metadata - In addition to the data schema details noted below, Panoply creates __updatetime and __senttime internal fields on all tables.


This table is a collection of tweets from the authorized user collected from the API endpoint. For additional information, see GET statuses/user_timeline in the Twitter API documentation.

Twitter Tweets Data Dictionary


Likes - a collection of the authorizing user's likes (formerly known as 'favo(u)rites' or 'stars') sourced from the API endpoint. For additional information, see GET favorites/list in the Twitter API documentation.

Twitter Likes Data Dictionary


Followers - a collection of information on the authorizing user's followers collected from the API endpoint. For additional information, see GET followers/list in the Twitter API documentation.

Twitter Followers Data Dictionary

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