Hubspot Release Notes
  • 22 Jul 2024
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Hubspot Release Notes

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Article summary

July 2024

Panoply now supports non-incremental collection. Users can disable the incremental load through the advanced settings of the Hubspot connector. This will force the connector to always extract all the data of the selected resources.

July 2023

Panoply now supports the collection of custom objects associations. Important notes:

  • When selecting to collect an association you must select both object types.
  • In Hubspot, when adding an association the relevant records are not marked as updated

February 2023

Panoply now supports the collection of six new Hubspot resources:

  • Companies History
  • Contacts History
  • Deals History
  • Line Items History
  • Products History
  • Tickets History

The previous Deals History resource is now named Deals History (deprecated) and the collection of this resource is still available. The difference between the deprecated and the new resources is the API version. The deprecated version users Hubspot's API v1 while the new resource is using Hubspot's API v3

Every one of these resources will create a new table with a postfix of _history. For example, the Companies History resource will create the hubspot_companies_history.
Every one of these resources can only be selected if the parent resource is selected as well. For example, in order to collect the Contacts History resource, you must select the Contacts resource as well.

Each table will include a record for each property change. For example, if first name, last name and email address were updated for a certain company on a certain time, that will create 3 records in the history table (one for each property update). the main four columns in the history tables are property, value, timestamp and the parent identifier column (For example, company_id).

Best Practice

To collect historical data for the the new resources, it is recommended to create a new Hubspot data source. This will ensure that all records from the new resources are collected, regardless of whether older Hubspot data sources were previously configured to collect incrementally.

January 2023

Panoply now supports the collection of three new Hubspot resources:

  • The Calling sales tool
  • The Meetings sales tool
  • The CRM Tasks

After you had collected data from your target resource, two new tables will be created; a main table and a subtable.
Main tables contain record metadata and are automatically named hubspot_ResourceName.
Subtables contain Hubspot record properties and are automatically named hubspot_ResourceName_properties.


Main table: hubspot_meetings
Subtable: hubspot_meetings_properties

Best Practice

To collect historical data for the three resources, it is recommended to create a new Hubspot data source. This will ensure that all records from the three resources are collected, regardless of whether older Hubspot data sources were previously configured to collect incrementally.

June 2022

The Hubspot data source now supports the extraction of custom objects.

January 2022

An additional resource was added to the Hubspot data source and is available for collection. The Deals History resource will allow you to see all the changes done in each and every one of the properties of a deal.

November 2021

Panoply has refreshed the Hubspot data source to improve efficiency and reliability. As part of this refresh, the data structure of the properties tables has changed and Panoply supports even more resources from your Hubspot, including:

  • Contact Lists
  • CRM Object Properties
  • Email Subscription
  • Line Items
  • Marketing Email
  • Products
  • Tickets

To migrate to the new data source, users will need to add a new instance of Hubspot data source. Due to the fact that the structure of the data has changed it is recommended to delete all existing Hubspot tables and recollect it using the new Hubspot data source.

July 2021

In our efforts to improve collection times, Panoply has made two changes to the way we collect from Hubspot.

  1. We have increased the limit for email events to 1000 (max) from 250.
  2. We have implemented Incremental Loads for the following endpoints:
    • Contacts
    • Company
    • Engagements
    • Deals

March 2021

Panoply has added the email events endpoint to the Hubspot data source.

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