November 2023 Release Notes
  • 29 Nov 2023
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November 2023 Release Notes

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Article summary

Flex Connector (v 2.7.4)

Panoply now supports the input of a static list of identifiers in the Fetch List feature. The Fetch List helps users to support dynamic and static list of identifiers to be used in the different API calls. Read more here

Flex Connector (v 2.7.0)

Panoply now supports variables configuration in the Flex Connector. Using variables can help in managing and editing a Flex Connector configuration. Read more here

Flex Connector (v 2.6.3)

Panoply now supports adding URL parameters or body parameters on pagination. Some APIs require not only the removal of certain parameters when paginating across the results but also additional parameters. With this new addition Panoply's Flex connector can support such API services. Read more in the Flex Connector pagination documentation

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