Stripe Release Notes
    • 19 Sep 2022
    • 1 Minute to read

    Stripe Release Notes

    Article summary

    September 2022 (v 2.3.2)

    The Stripe data source now supports incremental loading for the Events resource. When selecting the Events resource, users can enable the Collect Events incrementally option in the advanced options.

    March 2021 (v 2.0.0)

    Panoply has released a new version of the Stripe data source, including many more resources (for a list of available resources, see the Data Dictionary, providing you with a more complete look at your Stripe Data). As a part of this refresh, the Stripe data source will allow you to specify a Destination Prefix, which means that you can specify your table names using the syntax {__destinationPrefix}_{__resource} where __resource is a dynamic field that represents the the Stripe resource that is being collected. We also created a backoff mechanism for an asynchronous flow, which will retry requests to the Stripe account in cases of rate limits or other issues with resources.

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